With the current Health Crisis we are all faced with today, perhaps now is the time to take care of your Fine Art needs. Use this time to take care of the things you put off –
The things to which you always say “I don’t have the time!” Right now is an excellent time to ensure your Fine Arts collection gets Appraised. Or maybe Now you can have that special piece Restored back to its natural beauty. Here are few ways we can be helpful to you:
1. Selling
We know that this is a trying time for everyone. Many of us will be losing out on income. Some of you may need to sell your artwork to make up for that lost income. In order to sell your artwork through an Auction house or Gallery, or any other third party, you will Have to have an Appraisal! Besides, it is important for you to get a proper value on your Fine Arts. We are here to help you.
Yes, a third party will take a fee in order to help you sell; however, the Appraiser can tell you what the value is and what to expect as you sell. We do not leave any client in the dark! We Bring You Truth!
2. Insurance
We encourage you to get your Fine Art insured. Do not let yourself lose out by Not having your artwork insured. If something happens to your Fine Art, you must make sure you get the correct reimbursement, and the Only way this is possible is to have Appraisal prior to the accident.
Our Appraiser has worked in the Insurance field and she knows this process inside and out. She is also appointed with all the major insurance companies licensed to operate in the state of California.
3. Safety
We understand we must be socially cautious during this uncertain time. Our Appraiser, Ninya, is willing to come to you. We can work with your requests to make the process most comfortable for you. She can arrive prepared with masks, gloves, and stay 6 feet away. Maybe you’d prefer she look at the Artwork on your front porch? We are here to do what’s best for you.
We are fully operational and here to support you however we can. We would also like to extend a 10% discount for those who schedule an appointment during this crisis. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (619) 929-6192, or e-mail us at coronadoappraisalsllc@gmail.