Hello, my name is Kellene and I am Ninya Greek’s Assistant. I wanted to take a moment and share a little about myself, and to share my most recent learning experience in this Art world.

A Little about Me

As I turned eighteen I found myself excelling at office work, especially Accounts Payables and Receivables. Yes, I became a nerd with numbers and enjoyed it! However, I wanted more; therefore, I went to college with one specific occupation in mind. But, little did I know my life was going to take another turn. Three years ago Ninya needed help with running her office, her behind the scenes work if you will. I gladly took the job as I have always had a fascination with Fine Arts, thanks to my wonderful Aunt who enjoyed showing us children all types of culture, such as; plays, ballet, the opera, and yes taking us to Fine Arts Museums. Now, here at Coronado Appraisals, LLC my passion for Fine Arts has magnificently grown.

Friday Night Lecture

April 1st Ninya shared a fascinating experience with me called “European Masterpieces from the Grasset Collection”. This was a lecture and viewing of a private collection belonging to the Grasset family from Spain. The lecture included the Curator, Mr Michael Brown, the Executive Director, Ms Roxana Velasquez, and Mr Grasset himself. All three were intelligent and fascinating to listen to. The paintings of this collection were done by Dutch, Flemish, and Spanish artists, all from circa 17th century.

What I learned

Dating a Fine Arts ‘piece’ ~ We all know this can be done by the name of the artist, that is if he or she is listed somewhere. However, dating can also be done by knowing your History. Yes, history! Ninya is always giving me some history lesson, and always including dates. After listening to the lecture, I realized Ninya does not just love history, but it was a necessity for her to know, in order to become a knowledgeable Fine Arts Appraiser.

Example ~ the artists, whose work I was able to see the other night, used as part of their subject New and Popular items; items that were imported from around the world.

  • One painting had two ears of corn in a vase positioned along with flowers. Now, here is a little history ~ Did you know corn was only introduced to the world after the Pilgrims came to America and learned how to grow it by the Wampanoag Indians? Then the Americans exported corn to other parts of the world. Therefore, we can gather that this painting was most likely done towards the beginning of corn being imported into Europe. And Ta-Da we may have now dated this painting.

The Meaning behind the Paintings ~ Of coarse no one really knows exactly what the artist was intending to convey in his or her paintings, not unless they specifically told someone or painted the meaning in their artwork. However, I learned that there may be more to these paintings then a picture. They are meant to teach (Morals, science, ect.), show the change in the lifestyle (economics, new items and goods), and more. Now, we can look at them with a new eye and see history unfolding.


I hope all those who are new or old to this Fine Arts world will take a moment to look at your personal Fine Arts, or those that are portrayed in galleries and museums, and try to see more than the picture in front of you. If you own it, then how awesome would it be to see the history it is showing you? The clothing, the people, the sky, the colors, all these aspects can teach you something about the Era in which it was painted. I hope you find your Fine Arts much richer than ever before.

One more thing before I end this blog: “Please take your children, your loved ones, and show them the different cultures of the town/city in which you live. If you are a member to a museum, then take them with you to a lecture or an exhibit. Pass on this love you have for Fine Arts to your youth, help them see the beauty that you see.

Brueghel to Canaletto | San Diego Museum of Art

Kellene Abeyta